Monday, March 2, 2009

Obama told Idahoans he wouldn't take away their guns. He lied.

Remember back in February 2008 when President Obama came to Boise and spoke at a big rally? He made a big point of saying, "I won't take away your guns," because those nasty, dishonest Republicans were saying that Obama was going to do that.

It sure didn't take long for Obama to reveal his intentions. The afternoon of the inauguration, the White House Web site's Urban Policy page admitted that he is indeed going to try and do exactly that.

"Obama and Biden also favor commonsense measures that respect the Second Amendment rights of gun owners, while keeping guns away from children and from criminals. They support closing the gun show loophole and making guns in this country childproof."

It is impossible to make guns "childproof" without making them adultproof. So far, I have seen no technology that works well enough to do one without doing the other. That's why many of the proposed laws requiring "childproof" gun technology exempt guns sold to police departments. Police department guns have to work reliably; civilians defending themselves from criminals, obviously, don't need reliable guns, because criminals will stop their attack when they realize that you are having a malfunction.

So far, it appears that President Obama misled the hard left wing of the Democratic Party about where he was going to go on foreign policy - at least, judging by his picks for Secretary of State, and Secretary of Defense. But he did more than mislead Idahoans when he said, "I won't take away your guns." He lied to us.


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