Monday, March 2, 2009

Congressmen Question Saudi Lobbyist for Head of National Intelligence Council

Which of the following would disqualify a person for the position of chairman of the National Intelligence Council, whose

"goal is to provide policymakers with the best information: unvarnished, unbiased and without regard to whether the analytic judgments conform to current U.S. policy"
A. Heading an organization which accepted $1 million donation from the Saudis;

B. Lobbying for the Saudi government;

C. Accusing Israel of Nazis tactics; [snip]

F. Promoting public schools textbooks which the independent Textbook League describe as "a vehicle for disseminating disinformation with the principal purpose of inducing teachers to embrace Islamic religious beliefs;

G. Marketing educational materials which recreate world history and refer to the land of Israel only as Palestine;

H. Blaming the U.S. for the terror attack of 9/11;

I. Praising Hamas as the only democratically elected government in the Arab world;

Two congressmen are answering, "All of the above" in response to the appointment of Chas W. Freeman Jr. for the chairmanship of the National Intelligence Council. [snip]

Another question might be: how could the President think that assigning a key intelligence post to someone whose prejudices are so extreme that they have convoluted history, who excuses enemies of the U.S., and who condemns its friends would be able to provide the unvarnished, unbiased information that the nation needs for its security?



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