Monday, March 2, 2009

Marxist-Leninism is Coming to America

A new Fox Dynamics Poll shows really how much trouble we currently have in America. Universal food? Should the government provide food for every person? In the Fox Poll, 68% say yes. Healthcare? 66% say yes. Housing? 52% say yes. A job, 51% say yes.

People haven’t been taught why socialism is bad. We can no longer sit back, just go to work, and assume everything is going to be okay. America voted for “change.” Contrary to what conservatives have been saying, the Fox Poll seems to indicate that the voters may very well have known exactly the type of change they wanted. Is there any doubt that Obama, Pelosi and Reid are going to attempt to deliver European-style socialism to America by the end of 2010?

Or, would it be more correct to say that they are going to deliver “more than socialism”? Nationalizing banks and dictating to private corporations is beyond socialism; we are moving towards a Marxist State. When the Obama stimulus package fails, as it will, there will be a demand for more government. This is exactly what happened in the 1930’s...

[I.e., this isn't a simple case of 'majority rules' when choosing our political system and the role of government because socialism doesn't work - it is not a viable option.

But evidently another generation, which has been indoctrinated into believing desire can somehow serve as functional policy {despite all historical evidence to the contrary}, will have to learn for itself, the hard way, that it just isn't so.

When we decline to insist on responsible behavior from our institutions such as education and the major media, there are consequences.

Highly Recommended - especially for Californians [addressed] > ]


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