Thursday, January 22, 2009

Same as it ever was...

Hamas reasserts control in Gaza rounds up 'collaborators'

The Islamist Palestinian group Hamas said on Wednesday it had begun reasserting control in the Gaza Strip and rounding up suspected collaborators with Israel, drawing accusations from the rival Fatah group that its members were being targeted. ''The internal security service was instructed to track collaborators and hit them hard,''

Gaza Strip smuggling tunnels operating despite IDF offensive
Smuggling into Gaza from Egypt is underway again, only days after the end of the IDF operation against Hamas. AP Television News footage showed Palestinian smugglers Wednesday filling a fuel truck with petrol that came through a cross-border tunnel from Egypt.

[when you don't finish the job, you have to come back:
'Israel won, but could have gone deeper'
............"Israel did not want to destroy Hamas. I believe you should have."
Muslims wary of Obama pledge

Jakarta - Muslim leaders on Wednesday cautiously welcomed President Barack Obama's promise of a fresh start to US relations with the Islamic world and moves to halt "war on terror" trials at Guantanamo Bay. (Snip) ''It is very good that Obama wants to find a 'new way forward' with the Muslim world but first he has to change US policy over Israel and the Palestinian conflict,'' he told AFP.

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