Wednesday, January 21, 2009

'Israel won, but could have gone deeper'

Israel clearly won the latest round with Hamas, but could have gone deeper into Gaza and done greater damage to the organization, according to military analysts in the US media who were visiting the region this week.

"I think you achieved what one Israeli general called 'changing the reality' in which Hamas operates, but I think you were too restrained and could have gone deeper into Gaza,"

Lt.-Gen. Thomas McInerney, a 35-year veteran of the US Air Force and a Fox News military analyst, told The Jerusalem Post Monday after touring the Gaza periphery and receiving briefings from Israeli officials

"The Israeli public's support for this war mutes global opinion. When a nation is united in its right to defend itself, it makes it more difficult for Europeans, the Left or the Arab media to counter that."

Commenting on the unilateral cease-fire announced on Saturday, he suggested that

"your leadership is too sensitive about world opinion. Israel did not want to destroy Hamas. I believe you should have."

[but they didn't, so they'll be more 'rounds' in the future]


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