Friday, January 23, 2009

Model Green Governments?

The renewable energy movement’s leaders are green alright: Green with dictatorship envy.

“Get this,” says natural gas-mogul T. Boone Pickens in a television ad Promoting his self-serving plan for a natural gas-powered transportation. “Iran is changing its cars to run on national gas and we’re not doing a thing here.”

Meanwhile, New York Times columnist Tom Friedman writes “China for a day, but not for two.” The point being “about what we would do if for one day we could impose, cut through all the lobbyists, all the amendments, all the earmarks, and actually impose the right conditions to get our market to take off.”

So the only way for American democratic capitalism to prosper is by adopting the lessons of Islamic theocracy and Chinese communism.

Words matter, and the totalitarian reflex behind the Pickens-Friedman agenda should not be ignored.


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