Friday, October 10, 2008

The NYT Whitewash of Obama and Ayers

Last weekend the NYT carried a report by Scott Shane which purports to demonstrate that contrary to the work of unnamed bloggers (ahem), the Ayers/Obama contact was minimal.

This front page account represents the Times' acknowledgement that there has been some significant story that they've been sitting on, but the report so completely fiddles with the truth that it would made a first rate case study in a class on propaganda.

Both Steve Diamond and Tom Maguire bloggers who've been studying the relationship of the Democrat's presidential nominee and the unrepentant domestic terrorists weigh in. [snip]

I cannot imagine another race in American history where the media has done so much to hide from the voters a critical and damaging piece of information about one of the candidates: His apparent 13 year association with a man who worked to bomb domestic targets and kill his fellow citizens.


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