Friday, October 10, 2008

Will MSM Report on Louis Farrakhan Declaration of Obama as the Messiah?

Imagine the excitement of the mainstream media if they had discovered that some preacher up in Alaska had declared Sarah Palin to be like a deity? Well, the same basic thing happened when the Supreme Minister of the Nation of Islam, Louis Farrakhan, declared Barack Obama to be a messiah as you can see in this video.

I believe this messianic pronouncement by Farrakhan was made last February but the video was uploaded to YouTube just yesterday. Better save this video before it gets scrubbed by the Thought Police. I don't know which is creepier, the pronouncement of Obama as messiah by Farrakhan or that strange cultish smile on his face.

Here is the transcript of Farrakhan's annunciation of the Messiah of the Chicago Machine:


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