Friday, October 10, 2008

ACORN vote fraud continues (updated)

ACORN, responsible for so much vote fraud in Wisconsin and elsewhere, violated Wisconsin law by employing felons for its voter registration drive. Milwaukee election officials approved this and were caught out at it. Greg Borowski of the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reports:

An official with the Republican National Committee said Thursday that [ACORN]a group involved with voter registration drives in Milwaukee is "engaged in systematic fraud and attempts to undermine our electoral system." (snip)
My goodness the ACORN election fixers are busy--and to think how much federal funds they are getting for all their nefarious deeds! Bill Dolan of the Northwest Indiana Times reports:

"Fraudulent applications are the workings of ACORN groups operating from Milwaukee and Chicago who are getting out the vote for Obama."
Lake County elections officials acknowledged they have found problems and had to reject a large portion of the 5,000 registration forms turned in recently by the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN, an activist group that conducted registration drives across the county this summer.

[one of the many organizations funded by Gyorgy Schwartz (aka: George Soros) and your tax dollars.]


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