Thursday, December 11, 2008

Meanwhile, in the Media...

Turner: KGB 'Honorable,' Iraq 'Naked Aggression' Like Soviets in Afghanistan

“The KGB, I think, was an honorable place to work” with “worthwhile” achievements, CNN founder Ted Turner contended in an interview aired on Sunday's Meet the Press in which he blamed the U.S. for starting the battles with Vladimir Putin “by putting the Star Wars system in Czechoslovakia and Poland” and, when host Tom Brokaw recalled that Leonid Brezhnev reacted to Jimmy Carter's outreach by invading Afghanistan, Turner retorted with moral equivalence:

“Well, we invaded Afghanistan, too, and it's a lot further -- at least it's on the border of the Soviet Union.” Brokaw called it “naked aggression on the part of the Russians at the time,” prompting Turner to charge: “Well, going into Iraq was naked aggression on the part of the United States.”

[and Mr. Turner was given national air time on the matter because of his expertise in - what?]


Meet The Mess

Media: Amid a presidential transition, global turmoil and financial crisis, the late Tim Russert wouldn't have wasted viewers' time interviewing a crackpot like Ted Turner.

NBC's "Meet the Press" was once the most prestigious Sunday political show. Is this the old media's death rattle?


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