Thursday, December 11, 2008

Hezb'allah hiring Palestinian assassins to do their dirty work

Having learned the hard way just what happens when they challenge the Israeli's directly, the terrorist group Hezb'allah has taken to hiring Palestinian terrorists to attack Jewish targets instead of using some of their stockpile of 42,000 missiles on the innocent: [snip]

And I suppose congratulations are in order to the United Nations International Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) whose close inspection of the border with Syria only allowed an additional 28,000 missiles to be delivered to Hezb'allah through their Syrian conduit with Iran. You might recall that the one of the main reasons Israel stopped short of destroying Hezb'allah in the war was the promise by the UN that UNIFIL would keep the terrorists from rearming.

At the time, it was thought that Hezb'allah had around 14,000 missiles. So the news that the terrorists have tripled that number means that the UN peacekeepers are either all made up of refugees from schools for the blind or they deliberately allowed an enormous amount of arms to make their way to Hezb'allah.

This is the bunch Obama wants to depend on to keep the peace?


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