Monday, October 13, 2008

Voight to CNN: 'It's Become a Partisan Press'

On Saturday's Ballot Bowl 2008, CNN anchor Ed Henry interviewed Jon Voight. Henry must have been surprised when Voight very quickly made an important point, one that it's impossible to deny: Much of the mainstream media has become unabashedly partisan. Henry asked Voight how he thought Sarah Palin did in the recent vice presidential candidate debate:

JON VOIGHT: She was wonderful in the debate. My deepest concern, you know. Let me just say -- can I say something honestly about the debate? The thing that concerned me about the debate, all these people, 70 to 80 million people watching this debate, and I found so many things that I found Joe Biden said that were - that I recognized as out-right lies. So I'm saying, isn't anybody on this? And of course, we're talking to CNN and I know where you guys stand. And I'm saying, guys, we've got to not have a partisan press. We've got to have real journalism here. And it's a sad event for me to witness this.
It's not often that we hear from the mainstream media of Barack Obama's connections with Saul Alinsky and ACORN or of Joe Biden's huge disconnect with the truth. Voight's call for "real journalism" to Henry was met with a talking point straight from the Obama campaign...


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