Monday, October 13, 2008

The company you keep...

Does Obama Still Think Ayers Has Been ‘Rehabilitated’? No, Says his Campaign

Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., told a radio host yesterday that by the time he found out about William Ayers' background as a member of a violent radical 70s group "The Weather Underground," "I assumed that he had been rehabilitated" since Ayers at that point had become an apparently accepted member of the Chicago academic world.

[wait a minute: if, as he said earlier, the he didn't know the man {before saying he was just a neighbor}, how could he have ever 'assumed at the time' he was rehabilitated {before changing that line as well}? Point: the man's lying to our faces and the media lets him get away with it]

Ayers was, when Obama met him, "a college professor, teaching education at the University of Illinois and that's how I met him,"...



Time to Level with the American People bout Domestic Terrorist Bill Ayers

What did he know? When did he know it? These are questions being raised about Sen. Barack Obama’s relationship with Bill Ayers, one of the founding members of the Vietnam-era domestic terror group Weather Underground (a/k/a the Weathermen).’s Pam Meister had a conversation with John Murtagh, whose family had a terrifying brush with the Weather Underground during the terror group’s heyday in the early 1970s...


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