Monday, October 13, 2008

New Obama/Media Attack Strategy: 'Angry Mob' Meme

After 8 years of watching while Democrats personally savage President Bush and conservatives with epiteths like "dictator" and "fascist," while seeing the rage on people's faces contorting in anger and hate, the press has discovered that this is not a good thing.

At least when Republicans do it: [quotes from individuals from a GOP rally][snip]

The above, from Jonathan Martin of Politico, is noteworthy in this respect; examples of how unhinged the crowd at these events are center on one, lone individual shouting out something idiotic? "Terrorist, screamed ONE man." Or "He's a liar yelled A woman."

There doesn't appear to be chanting and screaming for Obama's head. There aren't calls to round up Democrats and throw them in a concentration camp. There are no racial insults being thrown.

This entire issue is a mirage...

Update: Thomas Lifson on the infiltration of GOP rallies.


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