Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Cologne's Speech-Killing Politico's Reek of 'Fascism'

... I have watched in horror as local authorities yielded their charge of freedom of speech and freedom of assembly -- indeed, yielded civic space and civic peace -- to a lawless band of violent leftists, who, in their weekend stint of mob rule, successfully prevented a political rally against the Islamization of Europe from taking place.

In brief, elected officials from several different countries (Austria, Belgium, Germany, Italy), politicians who campaign and win elections on the politically incorrect issue of resistance to the spread of Islamic law (Sharia), were invited to speak in Cologne.

Why Cologne? After a long and contentious battle, the city council last month narrowly approved the construction of a giant mosque complex funded by a group called the Turkish-Islamic Union... [snip] declared before 20,000 cheering Turkish expatriates that "assimilation is a crime against humanity", and called for the German formation of Turkish-language schools... [snip]

As in Europe, huge mosque complexes are opening across the States -- one very recently in Boston and another in Atlanta. Do they portend the extension and entrenchment of Islamic law in the United States?

Possibly; we don't have any political parties willing to even discuss it.


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