Friday, July 25, 2008

Talk of wind power is just that: talk

IN his commercials, T. Boone Pickens seems minted in Hollywood. He is the grizzled oilman who sagely tells the public that we can't drill our way out of this problem. But here is what he told Newsweek about wind power: "There are no turbines on my ranch, because I think they are ugly."

Add Pickens to that list of hypocrites - notably Walter Cronkite and the Kennedy family (Robert Kennedy Jr. is a major global warming alarmist) - who tell us we need alternative energy while opposing the installation of wind turbines near them.

If the world were in serious trouble, Pickens, Cronkite and the Kennedys would put windmills in their back yards. But they know it is all snake oil, and they peddle it while luxuriating in their air-conditioned second and third homes along the beach. The only wind power they want is for their sailboats...


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