Friday, July 25, 2008

Obama's Berlin Speech & Three Views...

No. 44 Has Spoken

Europe is witnessing the 44th president of the United States during this trip.

George W. Bush is yesterday, the Texas version of the arrogant world power. Obama is all about today: the "everybody really just wants to be brothers and save the world" utopia. As for us, we who sometimes admire and sometimes curse this somewhat anemic, pragmatic democracy, we will have to quickly get used to Barack Obama, the new leader of a lofty democracy that loves those big nice words -- words that warm our hearts and alarm our minds.

Let's allow ourselves to be warmed today, by this man at the Victory Column.

[this is Spiegel {Germany's largest paper}]


Barack Obama - the world can expect better of America

Berlin - Barack Obama, already hailed as a political Messiah by the German press, tonight took the US presidential campaign to Europe with a thunderously applauded speech promising a better, more sensitive America and urging a new global partnership...

[better of America, more sensitive America. Promised to the country that didn't stand with us in Iraq, and who's pitifully few 'troops' in Afghanistan are explicitly prohibited from fighting (or even entering 'contested areas')]


Obama's Berlin Subtext
Obama gave his long awaited speech in Berlin today. With classic Obama arrogance, he appropriated Ronald Reagan's rhetoric seeming to think that he was being original. The walls that must come down, according to Obama, are racial and religious walls. The theological differences between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, must become nothing.

Had Obama made that speech in Gaza, Jordan, or Saudi Arabia, then his speech would have been courageous and there would have been some merit to it. For, the Islamic countries of the mid-East are hotbeds of racial and religious intolerance, hellholes in which torture is par for the course, in which Jews are as cattle for slaughter and blacks are "abd." [snip]

Instead, Obama tossed the entire United States under the bus and played the race card before an America-hating international audience and accused it of torture, of racial discrimination against non-European type immigrants, of religious discrimination. There was no acknowledgment that the U.S. has a right to self-defense or that U.S. law should be upheld and not infringed by illegals who boldly violate our immigration policy.

Thus, we Americans have discovered, irrefutably, that Obama has a Eurocentric view of the U.S. and its people, and he will not defend her staunchly against condemnation by outsiders. In fact, he will join them in hurling the first stone...


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