Friday, July 25, 2008


Iran missile launch renews urgency

WASHINGTON -- The head of the U.S. Missile Defense Agency says Iran's recent missile launch proves the value of deploying a missile defense system. Air Force Lt. Gen. Henry Obering said Tuesday that Iran's launch of several different missiles, including one with more than 1,200 miles of target range, is an example of the importance of the missile defense system deployed in Eastern Europe and in the United States, the Missile Defense Agency reported.


Iran ends cooperation with IAEA probe

Vienna, Austria - Iran on Thursday signaled it would no longer cooperate with International Atomic Energy Agency experts investigating for signs of nuclear weapons programs, confirming that the probe - launched a year ago with great expectations - was at a dead end.

[experts in the field have been saying to watch for this for years - it's a prerequisite for completing Iran's ambitions - they're likely nearing their goals]


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