Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Gore getting desperate proof public cooling on GW hoax

Comments and reports about global warming are getting silly and even ridiculous. Al Gore says we have ten years left. We’re told cooling is due to warming. More rain and flooding and less rain and drought are both due to warming. More hurricanes are predicted while fewer occur. Global temperatures declined as much in the first few months of 2008 as they increased in the previous 100 plus years due to warming... [snip]

As more and more experts examine climate science they find it wanting at the most basic levels. Jim Peden wrote:

“As a dissenting physicist, I simply can no longer buy the notion that CO2 produces any significant warming of the atmosphere at any rate. I’ve studied the atomic absorption physics to death, from John Nicol’s extensive development to the much longer winded dissertation by Gerlich & Tscheuschner and everything in between, it simply doesn’t add
Ironically, the increasingly ridiculous statements and definitive claims of doom are a good sign.

Good because they are a sign of desperation as evidence accumulates that human CO2 is not causing warming or climate change. Good because people and governments are changing their positions faced with the evidence and the costs already incurred by wrong policies and actions. Good because governments are coming to their senses and getting their priorities right...

[as predicted: alarmists will get more shrill because time isn't on their side: they're being increasingly disproved by the day - if we don't enact legislation within the next decade Gore truly will be toast.

And it's not a 'hoax', those are for fun. It's a scam - those are for profit. ]


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