Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Brokaw: Americans Must Sacrifice to Fight Global Warming

Brokaw started off his program lauding Gore, claiming that since losing the presidency to Bush in 2000, Gore has “since focused on his environmental crusade" and showed his personal beliefs on global warming by describing him as

“Nobel Laureate, Oscar winner and crusader for conservation of energy and attacking the climate change that we're all experiencing in this country.[?]
Throughout the interview, Brokaw talked about the need for Americans to sacrifice in order to fight climate change four times, once implying that everyone believes we must suffer pain for the cause:

"I don't think anyone doubts that we have to make some profound changes in this country and make some tough decisions and maybe even suffer some pain…
[this interview was also reviewed on Glenn Beck's program - be he did so with a climatologist with him who, as usual, showed as laughably false every 'fact' that came out of Gore's mouth. But Brokaw's the bigger star, so I guess that science is settled.]


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