Friday, May 9, 2008

London's American Mayor

The most momentous political story of the hour is not what you might think...whatever you might think. It has to do with an American politician now living in London. His name is Boris Johnson. He, an exemplary conservative, has just beaten one of the most rebarbative left-wing reactionaries in the United Kingdom, to become mayor of London. Johnson ran a very fine campaign, an amalgam of high intelligence, sound principle, rollicking good humor, and energy that could be branded New Tory. Mind you, New Toryism will arrive on these shores in due course... [snip]

It is now faintly circulating through American media that he gave up his citizenship in 2006 after encountering passport problems. The report is in error. I can now reveal that The American Spectator in another of its world exclusives has discovered (see the June issue) that the newly elected mayor of London never terminated his citizenship. He is as American as Barack Obama...

[neo-Tory - or neory for short. {love it}]


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