Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Absolutely Pathetic: AP Report Says GM, Chrysler Lost 400,000 Jobs in 2008

Subject: txt mny auto bdd msm bias extra othr action =
In his weekly address President Obama opened with these three sentences:

Over the course of 2008, the industry shed 400,000 jobs. In the midst of a financial crisis and deep recession, both General Motors and Chrysler, two companies that for generations were a symbol of America's manufacturing might, were on the brink of collapse.

Look at what Associated Press reporter Darlene Superville did to those first three sentences in the third paragraph of her 'report' on Obama's presentation:

For the record, total U.S. employment at General Motors at the end of 2007 was about 110,000, according to this early February 2008 item. This November 2007 link indicates that Chrysler at that point had 71,000 employees worldwide (59,000 expected to remain plus 12,000 jobs expected to be eliminated).

The two entities combined obviously did not have 400,000 U.S. jobs to shed at the beginning of 2008.

Superville's stunner makes it clear that, in journalism and so many other endeavors, people who one would expect to be able to detect self-evidently out of line or misplaced numbers like the one above, i.e., 'journalists' like the AP's Superville reviewing her own work, as well as the layers of alleged editors at the self-described "Essential Global News Network," clearly can't or won't do it.

As to the last excerpted paragraph from Superville, see previous posts here, here. here, here, and here about the press's failure to cover the deceptive nature of GM's claim to have repaid its bailout loans. For the purposes of this post, I'll just note that the assertion at the president's weekly address web page that "the government’s emergency interventions (in Chrysler and GM) are now winding down" is patently false, and will remain patently false until the government unloads its $40 BILLION-plus stock 'investment' in GM and its smaller investment in Chrysler.

Good luck getting Darlene Superville or anyone else at the Associated Press to report that.



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