Tuesday, April 27, 2010

New Tax Math: Single Moms + Big Brother

Subject: txt tax bdd vals sclm -
The wrong-headed welfare system started in the 1960s with Lyndon Johnson's Great Society and his proclaimed war against poverty. The system should have been called the war against marriage. LBJ's Great Society set up a grossly immoral system whereby millions of
people were taught they had an "entitlement" to pick the pockets of law-abiding, taxpaying families if they met two conditions: They didn't work, and they were not married to someone who did work.

This destroyed the work ethic and subsidized illegitimacy by giving single moms money and scores of benefits, such as welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, housing, utilities, WIC and

The goal of Republican welfare reform was to help families move to employment and self-sufficiency and end long-term dependence on government assistance. This policy was repealed by Obama's stimulus, which will add more families to welfare dependency by paying bonuses to states that increase their welfare caseloads.

Obama's real goal is a permanent expansion of the welfare system.

Nothing promotes that goal as much as discouraging marriage and providing financial incentives to increase the number of single moms.


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