Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Newsweek Writer Claims 200,000 Coffee Party Members

Subject: txt tea msm -
Does anyone out there remember the Coffee Parties?

You can be forgiven if you have forgotten them. They made a brief appearance due to media driven hype over a month ago and then quickly disappeared from view when they inspired a collective yawn from the public. The photo at right shows a typical Coffee Party "rally" from back then. Typical in that few people showed up

However, despite the utter failure of the liberal Coffee Parties to counter the popular Tea Parties, the MSM continues to hype them to the point of absolute absurdity.

And the latest entry in this category comes from Steve Tuttle of Newsweek with his claim that the Coffee Party now has 200,000 members and that they had 500 meetings one one day recently. Here is Tuttle in the midst of extreme hype mode. Please be prepared to have your BS meters fly off the scale while reading:


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