Monday, April 26, 2010

Video: Dem Congressman: ‘Climate Change Is a National Security Issue’

Subject: txt grn nsec -

"Our intelligence analysts and our military folks tell us that environment factors, exactly -- environmental factors determine who we’re going to be fighting, where we’re going to fighting them, whether we’re going to be fighting them," "And so for me, for my colleagues, climate change is a national security issue."

said Rep. Steve Israel (D-N.Y.).

[Half right but for all the wrong reasoning: The climate canard is a national security issue, but in its threat to our ability to defend ourselves.

The US is (and has been for decades) the sole remaining democracy maintaining a serious military {re: size; most of our allies service folk are as serious as ours - but consider: western Europe mortgaged its defense capability to pay for its social welfare programs secure in the knowledge that America remained as defender. Best (but not only) case? The British Royal Navy, reduced to a mere 80 ships total (roughly half actual fight vessels) compared with America's 500 - with already passed legislation to reduce yet further}.

Remove America's financial ability to maintain our military through the imposing of Trillions of dollars of economic retardation in the name of saving the planet, and who will counterbalance a resurgent soviet block and ascending China when America no longer can?

A: no one. And that's what makes this climate scam a real national security threat.]



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