Friday, April 23, 2010

Shocking Report: Police Find TEA Parties More Peaceful Than Anti-war Protests

Subject: txt 2010 tea - fnn gdd -
On Monday, the Christian Science Monitor bucked its mainstream peers by reporting something truthful about the TEA party movement:

police officials have begun to relax security requirements at conservative rallies because of the remarkable absence of violence.

Yes, you read that right: despite nonstop media warnings about hateful protests, violence from TEA party attendants is so nonexistent that police feel safe allowing them to bring large items and even guns.

The Monitor was compelled to check things out when a TEA party in Raleigh, North Carolina, persuaded officials to overturn a ban on flag poles. Such items are typically banned because a flag pole is really just a very big stick that could be used as a weapon. The Monitor's research led the paper to admit that conservative protests are far less threatening than many 'past' demonstrations.

Patrik Jonsson's article drew a stark contrast between violent tendencies of anti war, big business and environmental 'marches' versus the new model of peaceful civil uprising...


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