Friday, April 23, 2010

NJ Governor Chris Christie winning the battle against teachers unions

Subject: txt edu gdd -
They may want him dead and compare him to Pol Pot, but New Jersey teachers unions are getting bested by their Governor who is rallying New Jersey residents to the cause of fiscal responsibility:

Like their fellow citizens in 54 percent of school districts across the state, the people of Sparta [New Jersey] rejected their local district’s proposed budget yesterday. That’s the highest rate of school budget rejections since 1976, according to the New Jersey Star Ledger.


Taxpayers are tired of the relentlessly increasing per-pupil cost of public schooling at a time when their own household budgets are under pressure. It helped that popular new governor Chris Christie recommended that voters reject their districts’ budgets unless the teachers unions agreed to a one year salary freeze...

It’s a victory for taxpayers and New Jersey’s children...

[They're bloated and too expensive and worst of all consistently fail our children -- but during this time of double-digit unemployment, just getting them to agree to a salary freeze, which will no doubt thaw at the earliest opportunity, is deemed a 'victory'?

We need universal, unencumbered school vouchers, or our schools will never improve.]


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