Monday, April 19, 2010

NYT's Timothy Egan: Not a Single Liberal on the 'Extreme' Supreme Court? Really?

Subject: txt bbro legal msm -
Timothy Egan, a New York Times reporter for 18 years before turning into a liberal blogger at, demanded in a Wednesday night posting that the next Supreme Court justice hail from a law school other than Harvard or Yale: "Supreme Club."

At last count, there were about 200 law schools in the United States accredited by the American Bar Association, but apparently only two of them -- Harvard and Yale -- can be a path to serving on the highest court in the land.

It was surprising enough to see that with the retirement of Justice John Paul Stevens, the Supreme Court will not have a single Protestant among its black-robed elite. But equally jaw-dropping was the fact that without Stevens, every member of the court has attended Harvard or Yale law school.

[And that's a large part of the worsening crisis within our judicial branch.]


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