Monday, April 19, 2010

Has Europe's Secular Culture Led Directly to its Economic Decline?

[HT:RF]Subject: txt gdd vals mny othr - sclm intl -

It is virtually impossible to separate economics from politics, and politics from a society's culture - but is economics inherently intertwined with religion as well?

Fox Business Network (FBN) anchor Stuart Varney thinks so. On FBN's April 14 broadcast of "Varney & Co." Father Jonathan Morris joined the show's panel and explored the question.

"Do you think that Europe's paganism - it's turn away from Christianity - has anything to do with Europe's economic decline?"

"Certainly Europe is much more secular than the United States, and all of a sudden you lose hope," Morrison said. "If you lose hope in what life is all about, you're not going to work very hard. On the other hand, if you have hope that what I'm doing today matters tomorrow - and I'm building a life and I'm building my family and we're going places - and there's something beyond this life? You're going to be hopeful - you're going to build the culture of life and goodness."

[And why this non-believer has come to believe that good religions are good for societies, with America serving as the best example.]]



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