Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What Americans Don't Understand about Obamacare

Subject: txt hcare -
In his State of the Union speech, President Obama tried to offer a mea culpa of sorts for the unraveling of his health care bill. Calling health care "a complex issue," the president said, "I take my share of the blame for not explaining it more clearly to the American people."

Mr. President, you are correct. We Americans don't understand.

However, our lack of understanding is not because we're incapable of deciphering complex issues. Rather, we don't understand how Obamacare itself is supposed to make our health care system any better.

Here is a short list of what we specifically don't understand:

How will our health care system improve by giving a $300-million payoff to Democratic Senator Mary Landrieu in Louisiana in exchange for her vote?

What is positive about exempting Nebraska from having to pay future Medicare costs but making other states foot the bill?

Why are labor unions singled out from all other Americans and given an eight-year pass on paying taxes, while non-union workers have to pick up the tab?

Why should taxpayers be forced to pay for elective abortions?

How does putting the federal government between Americans and their doctors improve anyone's health?

How does a closed-door legislative process help us understand the complexities of Obamacare?

Mr. President, what we don't understand is why a bill that is so good and necessary requires secrecy, bribes, and lies to ensure its passage. Why do you feel the need to hide the bill from us? Why do your biggest supporters need their palms greased before they come on board with your plan? Why do you tell us one thing about the cost of your bill, only for us to find out later that you understated the actual cost by over 300 percent?

In short, Mr. President, why should we believe anything you tell us about health care anymore?


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