Thursday, February 11, 2010

Menace in mad march of the thought police

Subject: txt lbrty libs islm -
The dark spectre of illiberalism is slowly poisoning Western liberal democracies. You won't hear about it from much of the left-liberal press. It is part of the problem and its silence only confirms that basic liberties integral to Western liberal democracies are under threat. That is why you may not have heard about the trial of Dutch politician Geert Wilders, who is being prosecuted under hate laws in The Netherlands for his opinions.

And don't for a moment imagine that America is immune from this menace to democracy.

In a trial that began last month, Wilders is being prosecuted for offending a "group of people"; Muslims. The summons describes scenes from his film Fitna as reason enough to put the leader of the Freedom Party in prison for up to two years.

In a sign of how twisted our Western antennae have become, the violence incited by Fitna is not against Muslims. Instead the film shows footage of Muslims preaching violence against the West.

Yet it's Wilders on trial for his opinions...


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