Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Railroading of Geert Wilders

Subject: txt intl lbrty islm owg - libs -
The Stalinist-show-trial aspect of the Geert Wilders “hate speech” trial in the Netherlands was thrown into sharp relief last week when the Amsterdam District Court refused to allow Wilders to call fifteen of the eighteen witnesses he had hoped to bring forward in his defense.

Wilders in response was characteristically direct:

“This Court is not interested in the truth. This Court doesn’t want me to have a fair trial. I can’t have any respect for this. This Court would not be out of place in a dictatorship.”

This decision indicates the hollowness of Dutch justice and the court’s bias against Wilders. For some who would have been Wilders’s most effective witnesses were disallowed. He had wanted to call Mohammed Bouyeri, the murderer of Theo Van Gogh.

Why Bouyeri? Wilders, in the bizarre inquisition that has replaced justice in the Dutch courts, is accused of 'offending' Muslims by pointing out that [some] Muslims invoke the Qur’an and Muhammad’s example to justify violence.

However, Bouyeri quoted the Qur’an in the note threatening Wilders and others that he stabbed into Van Gogh’s body, and invoked the Qur’an repeatedly during his trial as well.

“Kill them, and Allah will help you and guide your hand,”

Bouyeri would have proven Wilders’ point immediately: he is simply telling the truth about how Islamic teachings incite all too many Muslims to violence.

But evidently telling the truth is now illegal in the Netherlands...



see for yourself what NOW qualifies as 'hate speech' ... >



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