Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Audi's ''Green Police'' Ad Offends...Who, Exactly?

Subject: txt grn cali -

The Super Bowl ad generating perhaps the most buzz is Audi's ''Green Police'' spot. In it, people who make environmentally-unfriendly decisions, such as opting for a plastic bag or bottle, turning up their hot tub or throwing away a battery, are arrested by the ''Green Police''.

Environmentalists weren't sure whether to celebrate or denigrate the spot. In one sense, at least, the spot was effective: It was the only car ad to crack the top ten in USA Today's Ad Meter of most popular Super Bowl spots.

[California update: the Audi featured is their diesel version, banned in CA because Audi refused to make a single state version to CA's draconian regulations.

I.e., our police are already hear: they're called the California Air Resources Board (CARB), and they drive around looking for smoking smoke stacks on 'spare the air' nights to cite people...]


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