Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Another Life Style Assault

Subject: txt action 2010 cali sclm grn bbro mny -
Just when you thought environmental extremists couldn’t go any further, they surprise you with yet another ploy in their never-ending quest to turn back modernity.

With the public push-back on the cap-and-trade scheme and creating man-made droughts to save a 2-inch fish, environmentalists have become craftier in their efforts. Always the vanguard of the latest environmental regulation, California has a new idea for getting polluters out of their cars: get rid of free parking - ALL free parking.

Last week the State Senate passed Senate Bill 518, legislation that would incentivize local governments to begin abolishing free parking spaces within their jurisdictions. The goal of the legislation is to make it so difficult for drivers to find parking that they abandon their vehicles in favor of earth-friendly public transportation or more quaint forms of conveyance such as biking or walking. According to the author of Senate Bill 518,

“‘free’ parking has significant social, economic, and environmental costs.”

A popular tactic of progressives is to make a cultural habit they despise so unpopular that the public will willingly go along with their schemes. Another tactic is to withhold or dole out funding for local governments in exchange for conformity to new regulations.

Senate Bill 518 attempts to employ both tactics... [snip]

But if more convincing was needed as to the benefits of the cash-out parking program, the analysis offers an argument that no progressive could ignore:

“Furthermore, women, minorities, and lower-income workers are less likely to drive to work alone. Parking cash-out corrects this imbalance by providing for equivalent subsidies regardless of the travel mode.”

Yes, by forcing more commuters out of their cars, true gender, racial and income equality will be achieved. Thus, it is necessary to force compliance with such a noble law...




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