Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Even with austere budget plan, California counts on federal funds

Subject: txt cali mny msm bias -
On Rough & Tumble, a popular California public policy Web site, the lead headline Saturday read: "Arnold to DC: Give Us The Money, Nobody Gets Hurt."

The Golden State is racked with 12.3 percent unemployment and a budget shortfall of $20 billion, and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) warned Friday of even deeper cuts to programs without $6.9 billion in new federal funds.

Some administration officials and lawmakers on Capitol Hill were skeptical that the federal government would provide a bailout to close California's budget gap, partly because it would set off a cascade of demands from other states...

[AUSTERE? The 'proposed expenditures' for current, 'austere' budget for 2010 is "$102,591" - "dollars in millions".

That's right, those idiots in Sacramento are still spending in excess of 100 BILLION dollars or your money, every year, for a single state's 'expenses'.

Isn't that 'austere'.

Nothing will change until with throw them all out.]


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