Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Obama to California “Water, Its Not a Right its a Privilege”

Subject: txt cali lbrty bbro reps libs bdd grn -
On the list of insane public policy moves we have come to expect from the current administration, Cap and Tax, Obamacare and Union Card Check, a fourth has garnered relatively little attention, although the implications for all Americans may be among the most far-reaching. The recurring theme is centralized control.

At issue is what residents are calling a government-made drought in the Central and San Joaquin Valleys of California. Legal and environmental regulations in the Endangered Species Act has resulted in the diversion of 200 billion gallons of water from the agricultural heartland of California into the Ocean.

“Potentially over $20 billion of California’s $43 billion of agricultural revenue could be decimated in America’s greatest breadbasket as farmers lose their farms and residents are forced to import food from China. While the solutions are not simple, local government officials are not even able to attempt them.”

The five counties effected provide tens of thousands of jobs and a stunning $20 billion of food output. This area of California is some of the most productive in the Country producing nearly half of America’s produce. When the 35,000 unemployed residents of the region look for help at the food pantries they drive past idle asparagus fields to get their canned asparagus from China.

So residents of California, and really the rest of us, have no other hope than Congressional action. They need Congress to immediately pass Congressman Devin Nunes‘ Bill, the aptly named

Amazingly, the legislation to help California out of this crisis is bottled up in Committee by a Californian–Nancy Pelosi. Nunes is asking his colleagues to sign the discharge petition.

Is your Congressman on the list?


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