Monday, January 11, 2010

U.S. leaders steering blindly toward the cliff

Subject: txt reps libs crpt sclm bbro -
Things go all to hell fast. That's why you need to stay alert while driving, keep your eyes on the road and both hands on the wheel to avoid a collision. Lightning strikes without warning; health fails in a moment; one can be employed in the morning and unemployed after lunch. What holds true for individuals also can be true for presidential administrations, Congress and the nation.

Things go all to hell fast.

Those who enjoy genuine success in life, built upon lots of hard work, understand this. Those who don't get it, keep on slipping and sliding around.

From here, it looks like Obama and the congressional Democrats are steering toward the cliff.

The worry here is, they will take the rest of the nation over the cliff with them and things will truly go all to hell fast...


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