Monday, January 11, 2010

Mass. Senate Race Now Just ‘Likely’ Dem

In the wake of the Rasmussen poll showing GOP’s Scott Brown down just 9 points vs. Democrat Martha Coakley (and just 2 points among those saying they’re sure to vote), the Cook Political Report has moved the Massachusetts Senate race from “solidly” Democratic to “likely.”

Cook still believes Brown has an uphill battle to win in the very blue Bay State [it's Kennedy's seat].

But an upset would have major implications, including possibly blocking the health care overhaul...

[More often than not, initiating change means putting your dollars where your mouth is - and our opponents are doing so.

Scott would be in place in time for the Senate's final vote on the health 'care' plans underway, and would deny them their 60th vote for filibuster cloture!

Please consider joining me in contributing, today, per link below, to Mr. Brown's campaign -

Bright Red CONTRIBUTE button at top right - one time for any amount - it worked well for me...

...and please do pass on to like minded friends.]


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