Tuesday, January 5, 2010

2009 Chickens and Their 2010 Roost

Subject: txt intl bdd - nsec -
Take foreign relations. In 2009, the new administration assumed that George W. Bush was largely responsible for global tensions. As a remedy, we loudly reached out to our foes and those with whom we had uneasy relationships. The administration courted China on a much-heralded Asian tour. President Obama even has said he would be our first "Pacific president."

But so far these leaders -- like Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Venezuela's Hugo Chavez, Russia's Vladimir Putin and even China's Hu-- have only interpreted Barack Obama's serial goodwill gestures as weaknesses to be exploited.

They play the part of the pushy class bully, we the whiny nerd...

[We've president that evidently needs be told that you negotiate from a position of strength. Did anyone with a three digit IQ honestly expect any other outcome?]


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