Monday, May 3, 2010

The Real Immigration Solution

Subject: txt immig -
Amnesty backers cannot deny that the 1986 amnesty failed to stop illegal immigration, so they now blame the problem on the fact that we did not increase legal immigration enough after the Act. They argue we can prevent future illegal immigration by simply increasing legal immigration alongside an amnesty. Luis Gutierrez’s amnesty bill includes a special visa to “prevent unauthorized migration” by simply increasing legal immigration from the country where illegal immigrants come from.

When told the facts, the American people almost unanimously support cutting back on immigration. In February, a Zogby poll asked, “putting aside the question of legal status for a moment and focusing only on the totals, is the number of immigrants entering the country each year too high, too low, or just right.” 67% said the number was too high, 14% said it was just right, and only 4% said it was too low.

Individual legal immigrants are not to blame for these problems. They came here in search of a better life and played by the rules. The real culprits are the politicians who put cheap labor ahead of the interests of the American people. With 25 million out of work, it’s time to put the American citizens first by issuing a moratorium on legal immigration...


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