Monday, May 3, 2010

A rational approach to profiling

Application of the "80-20" rule is just common sense

The outrage some have expressed over Arizona's government (supported by over 70% of her citizens) to enforce federal foreign citizen trespasser laws by claiming to do so requires unconscionable racial profiling to enforce, is both confounding and irrational.

In fact, racial profiling is the fastest and most humane way to solve the problem and the most fact based method to enable our State Department to justify punitive diplomacy against the most egregious nations from which these trespassers come... [snip]

By the way, it is incorrect to call these trespassers 'immigrants', legal or illegal. Foreign citizens are permitted to cross our borders for a host of reasons - to study, to vacation, etc. But they are not immigrants until they apply for citizenship.

Until that moment, when they enter our immigration process, and they are within our borders, they are merely visitors. We have no issues with foreign visitors until they break our laws - by crossing our border without the required paperwork for example - at which time it is laterally more accurate to label them invaders...



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