Monday, April 5, 2010

What Bias? Re: Obama Doesn't Like "Vitriol"?

Subject: txt 1st msm bias 2010 libs -
CBS's interview with Barack Obama has to be seen to be believed. Here, Harry Smith asks Obama whether he is aware that some have called him a "socialist" or a "Nazi." The tone of the interview is remarkable; just try to imagine a network news correspondent asking George Bush in the same sympathetic manner what he thinks about the appalling excesses of the other side.

Note how Obama immediately starts talking about the "vitriol" of Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck. This is a bad joke: has Obama never listened to Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow et al.? As for vitriol, has Obama forgotten his own contributions?

"If They Bring a Knife to the Fight, We Bring a Gun," and "Get in their face"? Or how about his many denunciations of the insurance industry, of doctors, and others involved in health care? Can you remember the last time a President insulted millions of Americans in this manner? I can't.

As far as Obama is concerned, "vitriol" is entirely a matter of whose ox is being gored.



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