Monday, April 5, 2010

No Speech for You

Subject: txt bdd lbrty hcare bbro sclm -
So Henry Waxman, chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, is demanding that citizens justify their political speech under oath.

Nervous Nellies doubtlessly will characterize this as an "overreach." Crybabies will grouse about the "chilling" effect or the "muzzling" of dissent.

Yet in these heady days of change, it's all about context. In this case, you'll be relieved to know, we're talking about CEOs. These people take home considerably more pay than I do. Accordingly, they deserve to sit through hours of absurd inquires from sanctimonious politicians as a matter of karmic justice.

The arrogant part of Waxman's abuse of power is that he also demands that CEOs show up with

"any documents, including e-mail messages, sent to or prepared or reviewed by senior company officials related to the projected impact of health care reform."
[I.e., a blatant fishing expedition to find anything embarrassing to the CEOs to punish them for their insolence. America?]

Would it not be helpful for Congress to first provide taxpayers with any and all documents -- including e-mail messages sent to or prepared or reviewed by elected officials -- regarding this historic health care reform bill?

Maybe if Congress applied a fraction of the transparency it demands from corporate America to its own dealings, it wouldn't have to rely on pompous bullies like Waxman to stifle free speech...



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