Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Your Pennies at Work: UNICEF Funds Hate TV for Palestinian Kids

Subject: txt intl islm owg -
Palestine Media Watch, the non-profit group that monitors Palestinian culture, has brought to light UNICEF’s sponsorship of a Palestinian hate ad. UNICEF has funded PYALARA, the Palestinian Youth Association for Leadership and Rights Activation, since 2000.

An ad that bears the UNICEF logo promotes a PYALARA program on Palestinian Authority TV that is devoted to promoting a boycott of Israel. The ad depicts an axe smashing a Star of David, which has on its side not only additional Jewish stars but also the stars and stripes of the United States. Interestingly, the ad acknowledges that a PA program that advocates such a boycott is a blatant violation of the peace accords that the Palestinians have signed with Israel.

PYALARA is, in fact, an NGO closely associated with the moderate peace-loving PA government of Mahmoud Abbas. Its weekly two-hour "children’s" program “Speak Up,” which promotes anti-Israel propaganda, is supported by UNICEF...


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