Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Obama's Iran Policy Collapses to the Accompaniment Of Mockery Around The Globe

[HT:GS] Subject: txt gwot iran -
Obama assured us that his "engagement" would make it easier to enlist other countries to stop Iran. The result is the opposite: Virtually every country Obama approached has rebuffed him.

Appeasing Syria Provokes Mockery from Assad and Ahmadinejad*

Rebuffed by Lebanon, Brazil and Turkey*

Ankara Decries America's "Lack of Strategic Vision"*

Without a credible threat of force, it is now clear that "engagement" has no chance to stop Iran's military nuclear program. It is indisputable that Iranian possession of nuclear weapons would destabilize the Mideast and gravely threaten world peace.

There were reports at week's end that the administration would retreat to seeking diminished sanctions that exempt China and other permanent members of the Security Council from compliance. This would confirm the complete collapse of "engagement."

One might call it "diss-engagement," warranting the mockery of Obama's policies echoing from Damascus, Beirut, Brasilia, and even Ankara.

[* = specifics within - complete debacle which is setting the stage for the next middle eastern war.]



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