Friday, January 15, 2010

Poll shocker: Scott Brown surges ahead in Senate race

Poll shocker: Scott Brown surges ahead in Senate race
Riding a wave of opposition to Democratic health-care reform, GOP upstart Scott Brown is leading in the U.S. Senate race, raising the odds of a historic upset that would reverberate all the way to the White House, a new poll shows.

Although Brown’s 4-point lead over Democrat Martha Coakley is within the Suffolk University/7News survey’s margin of error, the underdog’s position at the top of the results stunned even pollster David Paleologos...

[No celebrating yet: it's Massachusetts, so blue it historically polls red-bias, meaning the actually votes swing back to their baseline (in Mass.) left...

Still - it's Massachusetts - remarkable {and ominous} development even if it falls short.]


[There's a whole weekend left - what say we surge...

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