Friday, January 15, 2010

Ending Corruption in Washington

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Even as our government officials claim that the worst of the recession is behind us, their actions hardly indicate that they believe it themselves. The financial reform bill that the House of Representatives passed last month authorizes the Federal Reserve to provide up to $4 trillion in emergency relief to big banks the next time things come crashing down.

This flies directly in the face of the oft-heard assurances that the bailout spree is over. Obviously not, as the House is laying the groundwork for the continuation of the money bonanza.

And what a bonanza it promises to be... [snip]

We are now paying the price for losing sight of this country's founding principles and granting politicians extra-constitutional powers in the misguided belief that they would solve our problems.

That was an unwise thing to do, because instead of the goodies they promised, they have delivered abuse, theft, and corruption. We need to look no farther than Barney Frank's "financial-reform" legislation to see it...



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