Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The outrageous truth slips out

Subject: txt intl sclm bbro libs bdd immig -
So now the cat is well and truly out of the bag. For years, as the number of immigrants to Britain shot up apparently uncontrollably, the question was how exactly this had happened. Was it through a fit of absent-mindedness or gross incompetence? Or was it not inadvertent at all, but deliberate?

The latter explanation seemed just too outrageous. After all, a deliberate policy of mass immigration would have amounted to nothing less than an attempt to change the very make-up of this country without telling the electorate. There could not have been a more grave abuse of the entire democratic process.

Now, however, we learn that this is exactly what did happen...

[Do we really think their {UK's} socialist left any different than ours?]


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