Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Health Care Legislation Will Affect 16% of GDP - Minimum

Subject: txt hcare -
In the headline I said it would affect "at least" 16 percent of GDP, and that's because in spite of Obama administration promises that health care legislation will bend the cost curve, by the end of the decade, we'll actually be spending a lot more on health care than we are now, and even more that we would if we were to simply do nothing.

That's according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which is the division at the Department of Health and Human Services tasked with tracking national health care expenditures, from which the "16 percent of GDP" statistic comes from.

According to two recent reports issued by the actuary at CMS, the Senate bill would hike health care spending to 20.9 percent of GDP, and the House bill would raise it to 21.1 percent of GDP...

[This is ruinous.]


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