Wednesday, January 27, 2010

No Answer to Terrorism

[HT:SG]Subject: txt gwot nsec -
Bin Laden’s latest message, real or memorex, is an uncomfortable reminder for the current ruling party of the United States that terrorism did not go away just because they found it inconvenient or thought global warming was a much more crucial threat.

Like every terrorist, Bin Laden does not measure victory against a much stronger enemy in terms of strategic assaults, but in terms of staying power. And so Bin Laden’s message to Obama is a very simple one.

“I am still here. The Mujahadeen are still here. What are you going to do about it?” [snip]

How can we win a war when we won’t even define who we’re fighting. The lead up to and the aftermath of the Fort Hood Massacre is a tragic demonstration of what the greatest military in the world fighting blind, wrapped in a blindfold of denial, looks like.

As long as we can’t define what we’re fighting, then we have no answer to terrorism, except to huddle together for comfort and be as defensive and reactive as we can be after every successful or unsuccessful terrorist operation.

No answer to terrorism, oh we have an answer. We’re ignoring it, until we can’t ignore it anymore, and then we shout a lot, make loud threatening noises and wait for it to go away, so we can go back to ignoring it. And we throw money at any terrorist willing to pinkie swear that he will go home to his wives and adorable children, and practice terrorism no more. That’s our plan. Is it any wonder we’re losing?

We can win, but first we have to fight. We can win, but first we have to know who the enemy is. We can win, but first we have to take off the handcuffs, toss away the blindfold, and take the safety off.

Imagine if US soldiers had spent the Cold War learning about the wonders of Das Kapital and the Communist way of life. Imagine if during WW2, Bundists worked freely in the defense establishment and Charles Lindbergh was the President of the United States. Imagine if we went into every war insisting that we were not fighting the enemy, but a tiny minuscule minority of their extremists. Imagine if respect for Das Kapital and Mein Kampf had been taught to every US soldier.

Imagine it? We’re living it right now.

We can win, but first we have to start fighting back.


1 comment:

Jeff B. said...

Maybe we should keep spending our way until there is no more. Why don't we get at the root of the problem and why they want to kill us? Isn't that a better idea than doing exactly what they want, which is to bleed us dry just like the Soviet Union. They are not stupid.